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Beard Winter LLP

Law Practice · Toronto, ON

Beard Winter LLP is a Top 10 Ontario Regional Law Firm as recognized by Canadian Lawyer magazine for 2021-22 and a Canadian L ... aw Awards Excellence Awardee for Ontario Law Firm of the Year for 2021. We are also recognized by the Globe and Mail as one of Canada's Best Law Firms for 2022 with a special distinction in the practice area of Insurance. A multi-service, mid-sized law firm located in downtown Toronto, our unwavering commitment to clients is the foundation of our history since 1964. We are preferred counsel for a wide variety of mid-market private and public corporations and sought after for our expertise in complex estate, commercial, employment, and family law litigation. Recognized for our insurance defence litigation expertise, we act for many of Canada’s largest insurance companies. Best Lawyers and Lexpert recognize our lawyers in the areas of estates and trusts law, family law, insurance law, and insurance defence litigation. Our clients benefit from our membership in the Law Firm Alliance, a network of top-tier, mid-sized law firms across North America and internationally. Visit to learn more. Visit our careers page: Visit our student program page: read more

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