BCRC is a private, non-profit organization that operates under the following mission: "To provide the opportunity for growth ... and independence while respecting the dignity and uniqueness of each individual." BCRC works to fulfill this mission by assisting those with challenges as they seek employment, recovery, and independent living. Our agency predominately serves those with intellectual disabilities and mental illness, with services spanning the ages of youth to elderly. Numerous grant projects throughout the past several years have also allowed us to serve: - those with addiction - those transitioning to the community after incarceration - families who've experienced domestic violence - veterans - individuals experiencing chronic homelessness For these individuals, we offer various resources: - vocational training - employment opportunities - employment support - psychiatric rehabilitation - peer support - in home and community based supports BCRC began back in 1962 as the Lintz Sheltered Workshop. Since then, it has grown into an agency that serves many different people and presently operates out of 3 locations in Beaver County, PA. Our programs presently support the counties of Beaver, Butler, Lawrence, and Allegheny, and we provide services to well over 500 individuals each month. For over 50 years, BCRC, Inc. has been a life-changing experience for the many people with disabilities who seek to overcome vocational challenges. read more
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