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Barcelona Catalonia

Real Estate · Barcelona, Barcelona

A place to work, to progress, to innovate, to produce, to make a life project reality. That is Barcelona Catalonia, in a land ... with centuries of tradition in industry and exports that has built an economically and environmentally sustainable reality, that proposes inclusive growth that generates employment and opportunities and that attracts intelligence and talent. Half of the 7,300 million inhabitants of the Earth live in urban environments, and it is predicted that by 2050 it will be two thirds. Sixty percent of the gross national product throughout the world is generated in 600 urban centres. The world is more and more urbanised and the cities are the hubs from where we must tackle the challenges of the future. Nevertheless, the balance between these urban centres and the surrounding land is key in guaranteeing the sustainability of the whole and the territorial cohesion. To take on these new challenges, and within the framework of the parameters defined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development approved by the United Nations, the Generalitat de Catalunya (autonomous government of Catalonia), through Incasòl, Barcelona City Council and the AMB (Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona), with the project Barcelona Catalonia, has made a commitment to a shared strategy to promote the development of new projects, especially in the metropolitan area of Barcelona. These projects depict and urban planning model that aims to be fair, efficient and sustainable, to prevent the growth of the metropolis generating a disorganised urban sprawl that is predatory with the land and resources and that generates inequality. read more

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