Bailet Privilèges Services BPS - Similar companies

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Bailet Privilèges Services BPS

Investment Banking · THONON LES BAINS, Haute Savoie

LB PRIVILEGES SERVICES is a family-owned and operated real estate services company, serving France’s real estate market since ... 1980 and present in the Middle East for more than 10 years. Specializing in the investment, management and sale of commercial real estate, our mission is to fully integrate our solutions and offer our clients, from beginners to experienced investors, the chance of acquiring value-retaining properties in prime locations, typically comprising office and retail space. Each investment opportunity we present to our clients, benefits from a preliminary study incorporating an analysis by profit Centre and pre-feasibility which will ensure long-term their investments profitability. BPS provides additionally a tailor made legal and tax advice to structure and manage an investment transaction read more

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