AVIN INTERNATIONAL L.T.D. - Similar companies

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Website: www.avin.gr

AVIN INTERNATIONAL L.T.D. was founded and established in Greece in 1977. It has since constantly expanded, carrying the Greek ... flag across the globe. Avin International ltd is a major tanker operator, active in the shipment of crude oil and petroleum products.The company has also been very active in undertaking various shipbuilding programs, in Split, Japan, Ukraine, S. Korea and recently China. Provides a high level of service and quality primarily to major petroleum companies and has a large list of clients by keeping excellent trading relationships and a high record of vetting inspection success. JOB OPPORTUNITIES Ship Board Personnel: If you are interested in applying for a job (Ship Board), please send your CV to the following address: crew@avin.gr with subject “Linkedin”. Shore Based Personnel: If you are interested in applying for a job (Shore Based), please send us your CV and fill in the on-line application form at the following link: https://www.konkat-citd.gr/Databases/gpl/cv/cv.nsf/CV.xsp?c=6584 At the field “advertisement ref. ID”, select “link”. read more

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