Avicenna Technology Inc. (A Division of Ametek EMC) - Similar companies

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Avicenna Technology Inc. (A Division of Ametek EMC)

Medical Devices ยท Montevideo, Minnesota
Website: ametekemc.com

Avicenna is a Division of AMETEK Engineered Medical Components, with manufacturing focus on Custom, fine-featured components ... using laser energy (ablating, cutting, marking, etching and welding) and mechanical energy (cutting, and shaping) for catheters, leads, cardiac leads, guide wires and strain reliefs. AMETEK is a leading global manufacturer of electronic instruments and electro-mechanical devices with annualized sales of $4.0 billion. AMETEK's Corporate Growth Plan is based on Four Key Strategies: Operational Excellence, Strategic Acquisitions & Alliances, Global & Market Expansion and New Products. AMETEK's objective is double-digit percentage growth in earnings per share over the business cycle and a superior return on total capital. read more

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