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Avaldata Corporation

Industrial Automation · Yongin, Gyeonggi
Website: www.aval-global.com

Established in 1959, AVAL Data Corporation has been the leader in developing and manufacturing control devices, measurement e ... quipment, manufacturing equipment and other automated testing equipment. Its corporate HQ is located in Tokyo and the factory is located in Kanagawa, Japan. Company’s annual turnover in 2018 was 77 million in USD. With a view to expanding its business domain from Japan to a global scale and providing all the necessary technical support, AVAL Global Corporation was established in 2018, and currently maintains its office in Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea. Major products of AVAL Data include: 1. Imaging Products (Frame Grabber boards, Image Processing Platform, Line Sensor cameras) 2. Short Wavelength IR Camera (InGaAs) 3. GIGA Channel Products (Optical Communication boards) 4. Express Converter (A/D D/A Converter boards) read more

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