Auxitrol Weston develops and produces a wide range of sensors and indicators in its four production facilities (Auxitrol SA i ... n France, Weston Aerospace Ltd in UK, Norwich Aero Products Inc. in the United States, Auxitrol Weston Mexico in Mexico). Its customers throughout the world, benefit from the responsiveness of Auxitrol Weston with its maintenance and aftersales department based in Europe, United States, Singapore and China, which provide repairs and standard replacement components. Auxitrol Weston offers ours customers a broad range of high precision solutions for aeronautics (cockpit, airframe and engine) and derivative products for marine, defence and the industrial sector. It is based on a strong company culture, shown by our 1000 employees, who are driven by high added-value customer service, reliability and the best operational performance of our products. The company asserts its leadership in the field of sensors for pressure, temperature, speed, torque and analogue indicators. The ability to master programs - from design to development and through industrial to production - and to work with partners in different fields of application makes Auxitrol Weston a tier one supplier. read more
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