Ault Global Holdings, Inc. ($DPW) - Similar companies

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Ault Global Holdings, Inc. ($DPW)

Capital Markets ยท Las Vegas, NV

Ault Global Holdings, Inc. is a diversified holding company pursuing growth by acquiring undervalued businesses and disruptiv ... e technologies with a global impact. Through its wholly and majority-owned subsidiaries and strategic investments, the Company provides mission-critical products that support a diverse range of industries, including defense/aerospace, industrial, telecommunications, medical, and textiles. In addition, the Company extends credit to select entrepreneurial businesses through a licensed lending subsidiary. We invest in diverse industries within the commercial, defense/aerospace, industrial, telecom, medical, crypto-mining, hospitality, textile, and investment/corporate lending markets. Through our subsidiaries, we remain a leader and supplier of innovative technologies and services to cutting-edge power products and solutions. read more

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