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Astoria Marketing

Marketing and Advertising ยท Toronto, Ontario

Astoria Marketing is an event marketing company with a wide array of expertise with clientele ranging from non-profit organiz ... ations to fortune 500 companies. We focus primarily on new product launches and market entry strategies. This hands-on approach allows us to quickly connect our clients with their customers and turn prospects into lifelong clients for the companies we represent. Though a relatively new company, in our two years of business we have attracted some major clients that have won Astoria Marketing awards as leaders in event marketing. Most of this is due to our management-training program. We attract highly motivated individuals and train them across the board in all aspects of our business. We believe that long-term success is only fostered in an environment where the employees are truly invested in what they are promoting. Our goal is to facilitate opportunities not only for our clients but for their customers and those who work hard for us. read more

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