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Assurance Financial Management

Financial Services · Englewood, CO

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with others. ~African Proverb~ That is the foundation of who we a ... re. Built on the backbone of a CPA firm that has thrived in the Denver market for more than 30 years. The evolution of Assurance Financial Management sprouted from the vision of our founder John D Smith. The mantra is simple, provide our clients with a complete accounting/HR solution bundled for them and customized to fit their needs, that ensures their growth and success in their industry. We have not fallen prey to the, “be everything to everyone” mentality. Rather we have developed a host of solution platforms and perfected each one for optimal results for our clients. Since 2005, Assurance has done just that, created the assurance that you can keep your back office at an arm’s length and still be in control of it. Releasing the pain and problems associated with the minutia of running a company to experts, so that you have the latitude to develop and enhance your client’s experience. Statistics have proven that the two significant causes of failure for a developing company are: 1): The human equation, not having the right people in place with the proper control mechanisms to manage them and keep them accountable, and 2): the client equation, not having the proper mechanisms in place to collect the receivables timely and keep cash flow in check. We identified that many years ago and have created a platform that provides the solution for both of these issues through our team of professionals. The math is simple, Solid Staff + Solid Systems + World Class Service = EXCEPTIONAL SUCCESS! read more

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