Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. - Similar companies

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Associated Earth Sciences, Inc.

Environmental Services ยท Kirkland, WA

In the early 1980s, geologist Louis Lepp had a vision to start a local geologic/geotechnical engineering consulting company b ... y combining and coordinating several of the interrelated geo-science disciplines. Lou reasoned that a fundamental understanding of geology was a necessary basis for understanding how subsurface conditions would influence the engineering design. Geotechnical consulting firms may be focused on the engineering properties of sediments and ignore the important interrelationship between geology and engineering. From this basic concept, AESI has grown into a consulting firm that employs 45 professional geotechnical engineers, environmental engineers, geologists, hydrogeologists, and support staff, with three Puget Sound locations. AESI specializes in providing geotechnical engineering, hydrogeology, environmental consulting, geology, and low impact development support to clients in both the public and private sectors. Our client group includes housing authorities, municipalities, school districts, colleges and universities, hospitals and master planned communities. Our success as consultants is founded on our core strengths: Expertise, Service and Responsiveness. Beginning with the end in mind, each project has a clearly defined scope of work, schedule, and budget. We have an extensive in-house reference library, full AutoCAD capabilities, GIS support, and a complete soils laboratory. read more

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