Assisted Home Health and Hospice - Similar companies

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Assisted Home Health and Hospice

Hospital & Health Care ยท Thousand Oaks, Ca

We have been privately owned and operated since 1989. Throughout the years, the Assisted care team has offered high quality, ... compassionate home health, palliative care, hospice care and caregiver services to patients and their loved ones. Financially and strategically, we are positioned to be a key player in the industry for the years to come. We are uniquely qualified to provide services across the entire home healthcare continuum through our three sister companies: Assisted Home Care โ€“ Intermittent home health visits provided by a clinical professional (Registered Nurse, Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech/Language Pathologist, Medical Social Worker). Assisted Healthcare Services โ€“ Medical and non-medical Private Duty Care. Assisted Home Hospice โ€“ Compassionate, palliative care for terminally ill patients at the end-of-life. If you have any have health concerns surrounding the issues of home nursing, private duty care, or home hospice, we are here to answer your questions and help guide you to the resources you need. Please see our openings here! read more

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