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Asset | Economics

Higher Education · Tilburg, Nederland

Asset | Economics was founded on May 20, 2009 by the board of Faculty Association Asset. Until that date every field of study ... , except for Algemene Economie, was explicitly served by a study association. During the first year of Faculty Association Asset, economics students were served by Asset and in the first year of their existence Faculty Association Asset founded Asset | Economics. Thereby a new association was born. Since the merger of all study associations into the Faculty Association on June 3, 2013, Asset | Economics is a department of the Faculty Association Asset Tilburg. Asset | Economics is run by the full-time board, which for the year 2020-2021 consists of Pieke Heunen (Chairman), Jeroen de Smet (Vice-Chairman), Gijs Laros (Secretary/External Affairs Officer), Marcel van Hoorn (Treasurer) and Marije Kok (External Affairs Officer). Mission Asset | Economics The mission statement of study association Asset | Economics is: “To encourage the broad development of all students in the Bachelors „Economie en Bedrijfseconomie‟ and „Economics‟ and in the Master „Economics‟ at Tilburg University”. Asset | Economics aims to do so based on the three main pillars of our association. These are Career Orientation, Study Support and Social Cohesion. read more

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