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Aspect Health

Pharmaceuticals ยท Brisbane, QLD

Aspect Health is the leading healthcare group providing pharmacy services to Aged Care facilities in Queensland and Northern ... NSW. Our expertise spans over 15 years in the industry. We pride ourselves on providing the highest quality medication management systems and services to our facilities and residents. We provide our specialist pharmacy services to over 9,000 residents in over 100 Aged Care facilities throughout Queensland and Northern NSW. Operational excellence, quality, accuracy and resident safety is at the forefront of everything we do. We are relationship focused. We understand the importance of reliable, e cient and person-centred pharmacy services to facilities, residents and their families. Providing quality medication management is paramount, but building strong, trusting and reliable relationships with everyone involved is what takes us beyond just being a service provider. The quality care and safety of the resident is what drives us, it is at the forefront of every decision we make and is what matters most. With our dedicated customer support teams, our infrastructure enables us to partner with our facilities to provide quality care to the resident. read more

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