A2SEA A/S - Similar companies

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Maritime · Fredericia
Website: www.a2sea.com

World leader in offshore wind installation and service solutions A2Sea is dedicated to providing the offshore wind industry w ... ith safer, sustainable, and more costefficient operations − through know-how, seamless integration of installation and service solutions, and quality of performance. A2Sea was established in the year 2000 with transport, installation and servicing of offshore wind farms as its core business and has subsequently installed more than 1,600 turbines and 400 foundations. The head office and main support functions are in Fredericia, Denmark, but to be close to our main markets and customers we have established a presence with local subsidiary in UK and the company employs around 170 people. Our continued success in providing services in a range of markets demonstrates the flexibility of our vessels and the team at A2Sea. read more

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