AS Aufzüge AG - Similar companies

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AS Aufzüge AG

Construction · Wettswil, Zürich

There is no shortage of elevator manufacturers. And there are many different elevator types. But if you what are looking for ... is a tailored elevator solution or a service partner for a range of brands and models, then there is only one place to go in Switzerland. Design your own individual career path in our friendly and uncomplicated working environment. Join AS Aufzüge and tap into a whole range of new development perspectives. As an apprentice, as a latecomer to the industry – no matter, we’re behind you. Alongside training, the secret to our success is the continual professional development of our employees. Which is why, throughout our organization, you will find design engineers with an installation background, former service technicians who have transferred to sales, and one-time mechanics working in marketing. In other words: real professionals. Interested? Apply here: read more

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