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Art Vend Media

Media Production · Sydney, New South Wales

Art Vend Media Communications embarked upon its journey in 2006, which led to inimitable success in the field of advertising. ... A Team of dedicated professionals, who founded this imaginative advertising group, is a driving force behind its achievements. They all have enjoyed successful careers in different Medias & Advertising Agencies and have now established a progressive organization with a motto of: “Our goal is to facilitate our clientele for generating enhanced returns and profits.” Our Philosophy There are people who believe in making high visibility campaigns, spending unlimited amount of money in all mediums of advertising, which seems primarily an exercise in creativity "not selling". We at Art Vend Media believe that only that work can be called creative, "That sells". Our Philosophy of advertising can be easily summed in these words ……………………. "MORE CLIENTAGE - MORE PROFITS” Services Art Vend Media excels in creating publicity material of any sort for any media including conventional and un-conventional ways and means of advertising. Our service range falls into following categories: • Print Media • Electronic Media • Web Designing • Software Development • Social Media • Outdoor Media • Event Management read more

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