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Aromatique Inc.

Consumer Goods · Heber Springs, Arkansas

Aromatique, the Creator of Decorative Fragrance, was created in 1982 by Patti Upton. Patti gave birth to this dynamic company ... literally "just for fun." She mixed together a mélange of native botanicals such as acorns, pine cones, gumballs and hickory nuts, fragranced them with spices, oils and ingenuity. Patti called her creation The Smell of Christmas and placed it in a friend's gift shop. Visitors were enthralled. This extraordinary decorative fragrance quickly turned into an overnight success, and customers were consistently asking for more. Often copied but never duplicated, The Smell of Christmas remains the company's flagship fragrance. As a leader in the fragrance industry noted, "It is great to create a wonderful fragrance, but to keep that fragrance at the top for over twenty years is amazing." read more

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