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Aristotle Team of Pharmacy

Pharmaceuticals · Thessaloniki

ATP (Aristotle Team of Pharmacy) was created as an idea by a group of undergraduate students in May 2014 aiming to organise s ... cientific and social activities related to Pharmacy as a science as well as a vocation. ATP is a voluntary, non-profit, non-political and non-governmental organisation related to the science of Pharmacy, aiming at the connection of students of Pharmacy with science and labor market, as well as the improvement of their studies and their professional rights. More specifically, the main goals of the team are: The involvement of students in scientific and social events and their information on the latest medical and pharmaceutical advances, the new areas of research and the application of modern technology in science. The involvement of students in educational courses for the public on health issues, effective prevention and treatment, in order to improve the quality of life. The communication, cooperation and enhancement of relationships between Pharmacy students with students and graduates of other faculties of Health Sciences, as well as corresponding students in other countries. BOARD Nikolaidis Nikolaos - President Diamanti Maritina- Secretary Baltoumas Konstantinos - Treasurer Athanasiou Konstantinos - Human Resources Responsible Tsipizidou Thalia - Fundraising Responsible Kapetaniou Amerissa - Public Relations Responsible Baltoumas Konstantinos - Information Technology and Design Responsible FOUNDERS Athanasiadou Sotiria Karaiskou Sophia Kolovou Aliki Tsakoumi Georgia Zejneli Orgeta To ATP (Aristotle Team of Pharmacy) ξεκίνησε ως ιδέα από μια ομάδα προπτυχιακών φοιτητών το Μάιο του 2014, με στόχο την πραγματοποίηση επιστημονικών και κοινωνικών δράσεων που σχετίζονται με τη Φαρμακευτική ως επιστήμη αλλά και ως λειτούργημα. read more

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