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Ariston Group

Consumer Goods ยท Fabriano, Marches

Ariston Group is a global leader in renewable and high-efficiency solutions for water and space heating, components and burne ... rs. In 2020, the Group reported a turnover of 1.7 billion euros and sales of 7.5 million products; the Group has 7,400 employees, representative offices in 42 countries, 23 production sites and 25 research and development centers in 4 continents, selling solutions and services in about 150 countries around the world. The Group offers a full range of products, solutions and services mainly under the global brands Ariston and ELCO, and operates iconic local brands such as Calorex, NTI, HTP, Chaffoteaux, ATAG, Racold as well as Thermowatt and Ecoflam in the component and burner business. Ariston Group demonstrates its commitment to sustainability through the development of renewable and high efficiency solutions, such as heat pumps, water heater heat pump, hybrid solutions and solar thermal systems. The Group also stands out for its continuous investment in technological innovation, digitalization and advanced connectivity systems. read more

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