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Aringo MBA Admissions Consulting

Higher Education · Littleton, Colorado

Aringo MBA Admissions Consulting helps MBA candidates get into the top-10 MBA programs. Aringo's roots were planted when our ... founder, Gil Levi, was accepted to Harvard, Wharton and INSEAD with a GMAT score of 650. Gil received a full, merit-based scholarship at Wharton upon admission and later became a member of the Wharton Admission Committee. He formed Aringo's methodology on the basis of the essay-writing tools that he originally developed as an applicant. Since its inception, Aringo’s heavy investment in research (over 3,000 man hours and counting) has yielded a collection of invaluable resources for our clients. The Admission Driver System is perfect for application content outlining, the Tracker System for tracking document versions, and the Planner System for task scheduling. Aringo employs a round table strategy, with each consultant collecting expert opinions at the critical decision points throughout the application process. The final product is always reviewed by a second consultant (at no additional cost) to introduce a fresh perspective and ensure that it meets Aringo’s standard of excellence. The collaboration within Aringo's team, which includes former admission committee members as well as experienced consultants with marketing and writing skills, contributes to the success of our clients' applications. At Aringo, we’ve taken the final say from the GMAT and proven that our strong and dedicated experts can turn a hopeful applicant into a full-time student at one of the world’s leading business schools. read more

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