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Anton Paar

Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing · Graz, Styria

Anton Paar GmbH, founded in 1922 as a one-man locksmith‘s workshop, today is a globally active high-tech company headquartere ... d in Graz, Austria with 29 sales and service subsidiaries worldwide. The company currently counts 2900 employees. Anton Paar develops and produces high-precision laboratory instruments as well as process measurement technology and provides custom-tailored automation and robotics solutions. A love of research and high quality standards have made Anton Paar a world market leader in the fields of density measurement, the determination of dissolved CO2, rheometry, material characterization and the production of complex high-precision parts, e.g. for medicinal prostheses. Innovation is essential: About 20 % of the company’s annual turnover is invested in Research & Development. Anton Paar provides solutions to industries in over 110 countries. Customers include, among others, the world’s largest soft drink producers, all major breweries, Formula 1, the chemical and pharmaceutical industry and food producers, including chocolate manufacturers. Anton Paar GmbH is owned by the Santner Foundation, which is exclusively and directly aimed at charitable causes. Legal notice: read more

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