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AMG Wealth Partners, LP

Financial Services · West Palm Beach, FL

AMG Wealth Partners (“AMG WP”) is a subsidiary of the Affiliated Managers Group, Inc. ("AMG", NYSE: AMG) focused on making in ... vestments in leading boutique wealth advisory firms. AMG WP is an extension of AMG’s successful partnership model, with an approach that is tailored to meet the unique attributes of independent wealth advisory firms. AMG WP’s approach emphasizes alignment of interests through: - Permanent partnerships that are supported by clients, employees and partners - Continued operating independence for our partners - Retention of brand, culture, and investment and client service processes - Meaningful retained equity ownership by management - Future liquidity on management’s retained equity, and “recycling” of ownership to the next generation of management AMG WP offers its Affiliates a broad range of support to help grow, manage and scale their businesses. This platform complements an Affiliate’s existing business model by offering: - New business and growth initiatives - Strategic advice (e.g. management development and succession, incentive structures) - Best practices advice in the areas of legal / compliance, IT and HR, among others - Operational and outsourced business support read more

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