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American Film Market

Motion Pictures and Film · Los Angeles, CA

The American Film Market is the most efficient film acquisition, development and networking event in the world. Unlike a fest ... ival, AFM is a marketplace where production and distribution deals are closed. More than US$1 billion in deals are sealed every year — on both completed films and those in every stage of development and production. Over 7,000 industry professionals from more than 80 countries converge in Santa Monica every November. They include acquisition and development executives, agents, attorneys, directors, distributors, festival directors, financiers, film commissioners, producers, writers, the world’s press and all those who provide services to the motion picture industry. At AFM, participants discover the entire global catalogue of available films and projects, attend 50+ world class sessions, and connect with the independent film community’s decision makers, all in one convenient location without the distraction of a film festival. The American Film Market is comprised of: The Market — Over 400 production/distribution/sales companies have offices where they meet with buyers. Many also meet with producers who are seeking representation or production partners. Screenings — AFM screens more than 300 films — the majority world or U.S. premieres. LocationEXPO — Film Commissions, facilities and government agencies participate at LocationEXPO held inside the AFM. Conferences — offer attendees knowledge, insight and a rare opportunity to hear from the industry’s global thought leaders, decision makers and experts. Conferences may include finance, production, distribution, television and pitching. Panels — are open-ended discussions that explore specialized topics and timely issues. Workshops — are taught by industry experts and college professors. Topics may include writing, budgeting, marketing, crowdsourcing and production incentives. Presentations — are hosted and programmed by participating companies and organizations. read more

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