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Alternapak Europe

Packaging and Containers ยท Nijmegen, Gelderland

Based in The Netherlands, Alternapak Europe is a leading European beverage carton manufacturer of alternative packaging mater ... ial for all major existing filling-machine systems. Alternapak Europe is offering various configurations of beverage cartons together with accessory products for Brick type, Block type and Gable Top filling machines. Our products are made in Europe and are fully certified for use as food packaging inside and outside the European Union. Alternapak Europe uses solvent-free water-based printing inks for its cartons. All the paperboard for our cartons is FSC or PEFC certified, meaning that the wood used for the manufacturing of the paperboard comes from forests managed in accordance with proper social and environmental standards. All our cartons are printed under the external polyethylene coating, to prevent scratches, set-off ink to the inside of the cartons and to avoid contact with any equipment being used for production. The excellent quality of printing, coating, runability, logistics, service and accessory products related to Alternapak Europe cartons is safeguarded by state-of-the-art process control systems embedded in audited management systems. Sustainability is an integral part of our quality and work processes. We aim to become the most cost effective partner in the industry without losing our flexibility and our customer intimacy Alternapak Europe, Multiple choice in beverage cartons read more

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