Alta Hospitals System, LLC - Similar companies

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Alta Hospitals System, LLC

Hospital & Health Care ยท Los Angeles, CA

Alta Hospitals System, LLC is a family of five hospitals located in Los Angeles County. Our three community hospitals in Holl ... ywood, Los Angeles and Norwalk offer a comprehensive range of medical and surgical services, including general acute care hospital services, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatric sub-acute care, general surgery, medical-surgical services, orthopedic surgery, and diagnostic, outpatient, skilled nursing and urgent care services. We have a psychiatric hospital located in Van Nuys that provides acute inpatient and outpatient psychiatric services on a voluntary basis. Our hospital in Culver City offers a comprehensive range of inpatient and outpatient services, including general surgery, orthopedic, spine and neurosurgery, cardiology, diagnostic outpatient, rehabilitation, psychiatric and detox services. In addition, our Culver City hospital has an active emergency room that plays an integral part in providing emergency services to the West Los Angeles area. To review all of our open jobs by location, please go to Nursing at Alta Hospitals Systems At Alta Hospitals Systems, our nurses are passionate about providing quality, safe and compassionate care for our patients and our communities. To learn more, visit: read more

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