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Alliance in Partnership

Food & Beverages ยท Oldbury, West Midlands

Alliance in Partnership (AiP) are progressive private contract caterers supplying healthy education meal provision across sta ... te and independent sectors; nursery through to sixth form status. Founded in 1998, AiP currently operates with over 400 staff across 195+ contracts. Committed to quality and scaleable growth, AiP have achieved many awards in recognition for outstanding commitment to nutritional sustainability of school meal provision and ongoing company structure development. Awards include Bronze, Silver and Gold Food for Life from the Soil Association, Real Bread Upper Crust, Good Egg, and hold accreditations with Red Tractor, British Farm Assured Meats and the Marine Stewardship Council. Operations work alongside Healthy Schools and Eco Schools. Their focus and strength is building solid relationships with schools through a partnership ethos. Growth, development and management change are evaluated and executed together. AiP maintain quality levels and the government nutritional standards of 14 nutrients and 9 food groups at a cost effective price point. Menu cycles are changed every three weeks to ensure variety and nutritional balance. Special events, world cuisine and integrated cooking lessons with the school curriculum are just a few of the benefits AiP offer their school contracts. Biometric cashless systems and nutritional analysis software is incorporated where possible. read more

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