All County Enterprises - Similar companies

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All County Enterprises

Construction · Lakewood, NJ

The past 36 years we have been specializing in roofing, siding, gutters, windows, doors and full renovation for both resident ... ial and commercial projects. We are and have been for 36 years an active member of the Shore Builders Association of Central NJ We are also members of the Better Business Bureau, Angies List, The National Federation of Independent Business, The New Jersey Builders Association , BLSJ, CAI and the National Association of Home Builders. In 2007 we installed the roof on a house in Irvington that was featured in ABC’s show Extreme Home Makeover. Our office and warehouse is located in Lakewood. Our facility includes a 4,000 sq. ft office with a staff of 25 and a warehouse with 10,000 sq. ft. of storage space. We employ 90 people on payroll and 30 subcontractors. We have 4 material delivery trucks and over 40 pick up trucks to accommodate our delivery, sales and service departments. read more

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