Alforex is more than a seed company. It’s the culmination of 100+ years of innovation and focus committed to alfalfa and fora ... ges. It’s what we do best because it’s all we do. Alforex channels this heritage to give you a new perspective on alfalfa and forages — the perspective of how to help you get more from your acres. Our company history tells the story behind our ability to help you find out how good you can really be. Alforex brings together the legacies, the products and the research & development strength of longtime leaders in alfalfa and forages. In the 1990s, global seed leader Dow AgroSciences became involved in forage research and development with investments in South America. This research program has provided advances in pest resistance and stress tolerance in non-dominant varieties. Producer’s Choice was launched in 2001 as a new alfalfa seed brand by Cal/West Seeds. As the Producer’s Choice brand grew, it acquired several other assets, including PGI Alfalfas and Target Seeds. In 2008, Dow AgroSciences acquired Dairyland Seed, greatly expanding its forage research and development, and genetic development capabilities. The 2012 acquisition of Cal/West Seeds further increased Dow AgroSciences’ alfalfa and forage business. And in 2013, the company combined its global and U.S. forage business into an all new company, Alforex Seeds, a name derived from our vision of Alfalfa and Forage Excellence. read more
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