Alert Systems Group, LLC - Similar companies

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Alert Systems Group, LLC

Public Safety · Los Angeles, CA

Alert Systems Group, LLC (ASG) is the only Earthquake, Hurricane, Tornado, and Tsunami Early Warning and automations solution ... s and technology provider in the world. ASG is partnered with state and local agencies, US Government partners, university researchers, broadcast stations, radio and dispatch manufacturers, and industry-leader Global Security Systems to bring the only Natural Disaster Automations hardware to work with no single points of failure. ASG and its partners have invested tens of millions of dollars to bring the only redundant solution proven to work on a United States emergency frequency backbone. ASG and its partners deliver, integrate, and support Natural Disaster Warnings to all public and private partners. ASG’s mission is to empower the individual and the individual government agency to notify all first responders and automate in-building systems with the simple goal of saving lives. ASG’s simple and reliable RF backbone helps us provide a reliable low-cost solution which reaches over 98% of the US population with no failures. ASG continues to advance the field of Natural Disaster Early Warning technology, implementation, and Standard Operating Procedures with the assistance of Public Safety first responders, University Partners, Psychologists, government researchers, and professionals in disaster and risk management. read more

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