Akademischer Seglerverein zu Lübeck e.V. - Similar companies

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Akademischer Seglerverein zu Lübeck e.V.

Sports · Lübeck , Schleswig Holstein
Website: asv-luebeck.de

The ASV - more precisely: the Academic Sailors' Association of Lübeck e. V. - enables (not only) students to sail. We are a m ... otley crew of members from the most diverse corners, are well connected with many sailing clubs throughout Germany and ensure that everyone finds their place with us in Lübeck. You can learn how to navigate, spark and sail in theory and practice courses and prepare for the exams for all sailing certificates such as SBF-See, SKS, SSS or SHS ... or just relax with friends on the water. A spontaneous milestone trip to Sweden and back? Exploring the Lofoten Islands north of the Arctic Circle? To the Kieler Woche with the club boats? Sailing regattas on our own or friends' boats, or even sailing across the Atlantic with our network of clubs? Here you are right! read more

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