Agility IT Services, LLC - Similar companies

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Agility IT Services, LLC

Information Technology and Services ยท Tampa, FL

Agility IT Services provide US based custom software application development services utilizing the most advanced frameworks ... and systems available in the industry. Our "no code - natural language" development tool facilitates a substantially accelerated time to market for applications that meets and exceeds all security and compliance requirements. We reduce your internal development cost and minimize your application backlog by at least 50% - 70%. You have maximum flexibility and all risk is eliminated. Prototypes of your project/application is in the cloud for verification and approval to facilitate predictable results. No development is done outside the US streamlining communications. Your applications can be ported to any platform requested. Enable the business units to get what they need quickly, securely, and cost effectively. Unlike any of our competitors, there are 3 options with Agility IT Services - 1/ we do the work reducing your internal workload, 2/ we use a hybrid approach and execute on the first application while you participate/train or, 3/ you acquire our tool to do the work internally from the onset. Your choice. We currently have a "Prove the Model with No Commitment" offer which involves us taking a small Tier 2 - 3 application you have in the backlog que, producing a prototype within one week for approval, and completing the application within one month. This is done at a substantially reduced rate and includes the license, hosting, support, and 5 SLAs. Check this link for further information - read more

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