Advanced Safety Paramedics Inc. - Similar companies

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Advanced Safety Paramedics Inc.

Medical Practice · Calgary, Alberta

Advanced Safety Paramedics is an industry leader in innovative safety solutions. Since the start in 2002 we have steadily gro ... wn into one of western Canada’s largest industrial medical service providers. Today we handle remote medical operations in many different types of environments. We have extensive experience implement medical safety solutions in all aspects of O&G, Mining, Construction, Forestry, and public events. Extreme weather and challenging situations are easily managed by our experienced operations department. From High angle rescue, Heli-Portable Operations, and Matrix Programs, we are confident that ASP is the only choice to provide industrial medical service solutions. Currently, we field a large fleet of modern, 4WD Mobile Treatment Centres (MTC), EMS Ambulances and UAVs as well as provide many other safety solutions and services. read more

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