Achieve Australia - Similar companies

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Achieve Australia

Individual & Family Services · North Ryde, NSW

Achieve Australia is a for-purpose community organisation that has been providing accommodation and and services to people wi ... th disability since 1952. We champion social inclusion, focusing on the individual needs and lives of the people we work with. We are experts at working with people with disability to achieve the extra ordinary. Our services and supports include: My Home – Individualised independent living, community and group accommodation services. My Career – Development of work skills and facilitation of meaningful employment. My Life – Skills building, community participation and the opportunity to pursue passions and hobbies. My Wellbeing – Holistic lifestyle support to enhance physical, emotional and financial wellbeing. Achieve is an NDIS registered provider and delivers services around our offices and hubs in greater Sydney, the Hunter and the Northern Rivers regions of New South Wales. Our commercial and social enterprises include AchievAble Enterprises packaging and assembly factory and our fabric and needlecraft store, The Sewing Basket. Both enterprises provide meaningful employment to people with disability and are open to business partnerships, volunteers and donations. read more

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