Accounting Asia GMS Ltd - Similar companies

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Accounting Asia GMS Ltd

Human Resources ยท tokyo, tokyo

Since 2008, Accounting Asia GMS ( Global Mobility Services ) have enabled clients to quickly, efficiently, and compliantly mo ... bilize staff in Asia by providing one-stop outsourced employment solutions under a model known as Managed Payroll Service / Employer of Record / Contingent Workforce / EOR, or GEO , whereby we employ your selected staff in-country into our local entity, acting as their local employer ), visa, payroll, tax, relocation, entity establishment, and consulting services. We can employ your assigned staff into our local entities around Asia, acting as their local employer from a payroll and immigration perspective, so that companies can immediately mobilize expatriates to the region, or hire local staff without the time, expense, and compliance headaches of establishing their own entity . Leveraging local compliance expertise, our bilingual team manage their immigration, payroll, tax, social and labor insurance and any other necessary registrations or payments. Our bespoke services can also extend to relocation, orientation, accommodation and other support. If required we can also support establishment of local entities and the outsourced accounting, tax, and legal services needed to support them. Jurisdictions supported include Japan, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, China, Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, PNG, Korea, and India. read more

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