Accelerated Adjusting LLC - Similar companies

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Accelerated Adjusting LLC

Insurance · Asheville, North Carolina

Claims handling is a matter of trust. It is our belief that when a claim is presented to the carrier, your representation in ... the field sets the tone and pace of the claim, and having a professional in the field is one of the most highly critical aspects of customer service and of the claim itself. As your eyes and ears in the field, our performance and the quality of our investigations have great bearing on your exposure and, every bit as importantly, customer renewal and retention. It is our mission to provide superior customer service to both carriers and insureds, professionalism and expertise in all types of losses, and to provide our clients with experienced and competent adjusters that generate accurate reports and estimates in a timely manner for an Accelerated resolution of the claims process. Our company mantra says it all: "Today's Business, Today!"™ Please free free to visit our website for more details: read more

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