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Academy Trained

Environmental Services ยท Santa Rosa, California

The Academy, there is no place like it in the world. We are set up on a 40-acre ranch in the heart of California, away from a ... ny big city lights. You will have the opportunity to break away from your day-to-day job and become a student, to learn from some of the best instructors in the world! These instructors will be by your side every step of the way as you perform and master your new techniques. The classes can be from 5:30 am till 10:00 pm at will eat, sleep, train...and train some more. Some of the upcoming classes will cover climbing skills, aerial rescue, precision cutting, and felling, ground ops training, crane training, Electrical Hazard Awareness program, SRS/MRS, and much much more. Our industry has been asking for a school like this for many years and now it is available for you. We have a mission and that mission is to "Save Future Lives by Elevating the Standard". read more

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