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ABC Management Co

Real Estate · Beachwood, OH

In a field of management that regulates profits and spending, owners need the strategic planning and hands-on style of manage ... ment that typically only owners can provide. With over 50 years of experience, that is the style of management that ABC Management practices daily. We have refined and developed a staff and operations system to meet your management, financial, reporting, compliance, and insurance needs. ABC has the experienced housing professionals that offer a wide range of services to maximize asset performance in its market place. Our team of professionals is committed to serving private client organizations and residents. Regulatory housing, Tax Credit and Conventional housing expertise provides quality analysis to aid in assuring maximum operational efficiency of owned and fee managed properties. Nothing can take the place of knowledge and experience and ABC Management has both. Our staff of professionals receives continuous and specialized training necessary to keep abreast of the constantly changing field of property management and regulatory housing. We currently manage over 4,000 apartment homes as well as commercial and mobile home sites in Ohio, Michigan and Washington D.C. Our client relationships include developers, non-profit corporations, and investment firms. Our extensive experience in the management of conventional as well as affordable housing includes major rehabilitation oversight, lease-ups, feasibility studies, marketing analysis, management improvement plans, receiverships and turnaround of troubled properties. At ABC Management we assume a strong and committed role in ensuring complete, quality management of every property we serve. We take pride in our ability to effectively manage a wide range of real estate, regardless of location, and in our ability to adapt our operations to resident needs and owner’s requirements. read more

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