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Aaron Sims Creative

Motion Pictures and Film · Burbank, CA
Website: www.aaronsimscreative.com

Aaron Sims Creative is a full-service 'Sketch-to-Screen' Design studio specializing in Concept Design, Pre-visualization and ... Visual Effects. ASC was founded by concept and visual artist, Aaron Sims, the mind behind some of this generation’s most unforgettable cinema creatures. In 2010, Aaron formed ASC in order to bring together a wide range of the world’s most talented concept and visual effects artists and create memorable characters, creatures, VFX, costumes, and key scenes. This unparalleled skill and dedication to consistently creating stunning content for all platforms of visual entertainment has made ASC the premiere studio for it's immersive 'Sketch to Screen' approach, bridging the disciplines of Concept Design through Pre-visualization and Visual Effects. Follow Us... www.aaronsimscreative.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aaronsimscreative/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aaronsimscreative/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn12Sq3F4wgqEqYtkyVyJ5Q read more

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