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3A Composites Transport & Industry

Building Materials · Singen (Hohentwiel), Baden-Württemberg
Website: www.transport-industry.com

3A Composites Transport & Industry Europe is an international division of the 3A Composites Group and part of Schweiter Techn ... ologies AG. We are the leading manufacturer, along with Athlone Extrusions Ltd. And the Polycasa Group, for extruded plastic sheets, aluminium composite materials and lightweight foamboards for the fields of agricultural and commercial vehicles, caravans, sanitary ware, furniture construction, shipbuilding and the rail vehicle construction industry. This variety means that we can offer our customers a unique and perfectly coordinated range of products – and everything is from a single source. We attach particular importance to sustainable manufacturing processes and environmentally friendly materials. Our goal is to ensure the prompt supply of innovative, top-quality products which are tailored to our customers’ needs. BOUNDLESS POSSIBILITIES FOR TRANSPORT AND INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS. read more

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