678 Squadron Army Air Corps Reserves Milton Keynes/Luton - Similar companies

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678 Squadron Army Air Corps Reserves Milton Keynes/Luton

Military ยท Luton, Bedfordshire
Website: apply.army.mod.uk

Welcome to the 678 Squadron the Army Air Corps Reserves based in Milton Keynes and Luton. To find out more about what the Arm ... y Reserves has to offer check out: https://apply.army.mod.uk/what-we-offer To arrange a visit call us on 01908 211155 and speak to our recruiting team. Our primary role within 678 Squadron AAC is to be groundcrew specialists for AH-64 Apache helicopter. As groundcrew specialists we are predominantly involved with the upload and download of ammunition and refuel to the aircraft. However, we provide a full array of logistic support including: movement of fuel and ammunition, reconnaissance of landing sites and ground-to-air radio communications. We also provide protection for the Forward Arming and Refuelling Points ensuring the security of all on site. As a secondary role 678 Squadron AAC provide helicopter handling teams in support of Joint Helicopter Command and individual battlegroups on exercise and operations. These small teams of AAC soldiers provide onsite helicopter expertise and coordinate the movement of personnel and equipment on any helicopter related task. All information about the jobs can be found at the links below: Aviation Groundcrew Specialist: https://apply.army.mod.uk/roles/army-air-corps/aviation-groundcrew-specialist Aviation Support Officer: https://apply.army.mod.uk/roles/army-air-corps/aviation-support-officer Aviation Communication Specialist: https://apply.army.mod.uk/roles/army-air-corps/aviation-communication-specialist read more

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