인하대병원 Inha University Hospital - Similar companies

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인하대병원 Inha University Hospital

Hospital & Health Care · 인천광역시
Website: www.inha.com

인하대병원은 국민 건강을 위한 새로운 의료문화를 창조합니다. 인류의 건강과 행복한 삶을 책임지는 의료기관으로서 최상의 진료, 연구, 교육을 통해 인간존중, 공존공영, 고객만족을 실천합니다. Inha University Hos ... pital is the first university hospital in Incheon. The hospital was established in 1996 with 16 floors building and 804 beds and is now achieving "healthy society." It develops into a hospital that sets up sound medical values, pursues patient satisfaction, and creates a healthy and rich life based on the specialization and globalization of medical clinics, and contribution to the community with top-class medical facilities and advanced medical systems (US-type of outpatient deployment). Inha University Hospital keeps trying for improving human health and quality of life. read more

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